by | Nov 27, 2020 | Partner Visa
Perth Vs Singapore – why Perth came tops for this young family As migration professionals we hear all sorts of reasons why people want to move to Australia. One big advantage they tell us is the work-life balance. That was certainly a big plus point for Syakirah from...
by | Nov 27, 2020 | Partner Visa
Using a migration agent took away all the hassle Deciding to move to the same country as your partner and leaving an established career and loved ones behind can be extremely hard. Once you’ve made that choice, you need to ensure you can legally stay in that country...
by | Nov 27, 2020 | Partner Visa
My marriage proposal led to four visa applications If you’ve ever had a holiday romance, you’ll know how difficult it is because of distance involved. Our client Firus went on holiday with a friend to Bandung in Indonesia where he met Devi. After eighteen months...
by | Nov 23, 2020 | Australian Citizenship
My citizenship application was hassle-free thanks to Home of Visas Once you’ve become a permanent resident in Australia, the next, natural step for most people is to secure citizenship. Every year around 125,000 people hope to become Australian nationals....
by | Nov 23, 2020 | Resident Return Visa
I spent two decades worrying about my visa status Lisa from Perth is in her 50s and was born in New Zealand, however she has lived a very transient lifestyle, spending long periods in both the US and Australia. Although Lisa lived in Australia and has spent more time...
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