• Home of Visas agrees to provide quality immigration advice and assistance to you regarding your visa application. Immigration advisory services and administration services may be outsourced to suitable providers as required.
• Home of Visas will make every effort to provide advice in a timely way.
• These terms and conditions are subject to the governing rules of the Migration Agents Registration Authority (“MARA”) and its Code of Conduct. A copy of the Code of Conduct is available upon request.
• There will be no variation to these terms and conditions unless it is in writing and signed by both parties.
• On execution of the agreement 100% of the Home of Visas professional fee will be required, unless stated otherwise.
• No disparaging comments: The client notes that all visa decisions are the sole control of the Department of Home Affairs and agrees not make, or allow its related persons or entities to make, any disparaging comments or do anything else that might damage the migration industry or public reputation of Home of Visas. To the extent that this clause is breached, Home of Visas is entitled to claim damages from the client accordingly.
• You authorise Home of Visas to apply monies paid by you into its clients account in payment of fees, expenses and disbursements invoiced to you by Home of Visas.
• All fees, charges and disbursements are payable in full prior to the lodgement of applications. Home of Visas is under no obligation to lodge visa applications until full payment has been received.
• Home of Visas will issue you with an invoice/statement with respect of services performed for you by Home of Visas. On the issue of an invoice or statement, Home of Visas will debit funds which it holds on your behalf in its clients’ account in payment of its invoice for services performed. Home of Visas may, at any time, withdraw money which it holds on your behalf in its clients’ account on account of disbursements that it is required to pay in connection with the provision of services to you.
• Home of Visas will provide you with a copy of your application and any related documents upon request.
• You must not import any part of your application into another ImmiAccount. Home of Visas will cease representation of your application, in the event this occurs.
• Home of Visas will require payment of further professional fees for any additional advice and services outside the scope of this contract, including the following:
• Notification of any changes of circumstances, change of passports or addresses;
• Applications for Bridging visa;
• Applications for change of conditions or work rights;
• Preparation of copies of documents.
• Home of Visas Professional Fees and Charges for additional immigration advice and services are as follows: Director of Immigration Services: $250 per hour; and Administration staff: $150 per hour.
• Unless expressly stated otherwise, all prices or other sums payable or any other consideration provided or to be provided under or in connection with this Contract do not include GST.
Information and Documents
• You are to provide Home of Visas with all information and documentation required, within a reasonable time and in an acceptable form, to enable applications to be lodged at DHA in the required format.
• You warrant that all information and documentation supplied by you to Home of Visas is true, complete and genuine
• The advice Home of Visas gives you is based on the information and documents you provide. If that information is incomplete or inaccurate HOV will have no responsibility for the effect on the outcome of the application, the advice given, or the action taken.
• You agree that the information provided by you may be disclosed by Home of Visas to organisations and individuals, such as DHA and assessing bodies, which Home of Visas deems appropriate.
• With respect to employer sponsored applications, you agree to your personal information being provided to the sponsoring employer.
Acknowledgement – You acknowledge and agree that:
• You should not sell your property or resign from work or take any similar action until your visa application has been finalised. You must also inform us immediately of any changes to your circumstances, including any proposed travel plans.
• For the purpose of this Letter of Appointment the laws of Western Australia shall apply, and the Courts of Western Australia shall have jurisdiction in the event of any dispute.
• Home of Visas has provided you with the attached Consumer Guide issued by the Migration Agent’s Regulation Authority.
• Home of Visas has not represented that it can procure a particular decision from Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
• The final decision on an application submitted to DHA is beyond the control or influence of Home of Visas.
• In the event an application is refused, additional charges will apply for a new application to be prepared and submitted.
• DHA issues standard processing times for various visa sub classes. However, in some instances, changes to government policy or individual case circumstances result in extended delays in processing by DHA.
• Home of Visas shall not be liable for any loss or damage you may suffer arising from any changes in the law or DHA policy affecting your application.
• Changes to your circumstances following the date of signing of this agreement which materially affect your application/s may result in further fees and charges which Home of Visas will determine upon re-assessment of the circumstances.
Termination of Contract
• Home of Visas may terminate this agreement at any time upon reasonable prior notice to you.
• You may terminate this agreement at any time by written notice to Home of Visas.
• Where no instructions or contact is received from you for more than three (3) months, you will be deemed to have terminated this agreement (and no notice shall be required by either party) unless the visa application is lodged and is processing with DHA.
• Where an invoice has not been paid within 60 days, you will be deemed to have terminated this agreement.
• Termination of this agreement for any reason shall result in Home of Visas ceasing to act on your behalf.
• Home of Visas is entitled to be paid for all services performed by it up to the time of termination of this agreement and to deduct all fees, charges and disbursements in connection therewith from any money which it holds on your behalf in its clients’ account. After these amounts have been paid to Home of Visas, any surplus money then held on your behalf in Home of Visas’ clients’ account may be paid to you at our discretion.
• The Client is not required to pay any fees for work not yet performed by the Agent.
• If this contract has not been executed within three months of it being issued, it will expire.
• Our service will cease once the visa application has been finalised by DHA or the assessing body.
EMAIL: visas@homeofvisas.com.au
PHONE: +61 (0)8 6117 4004
OFFICE: 34 Welshpool Road, Welshpool, WESTERN AUSTRALIA (by appointment)
ABN 18 628 717 840
© Home of Visas 2021